Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13th, 2017

This week, we've learned all about our community, members within our community, and being community helpers ourselves.

We learned about being astronauts...


construction workers...

fire fighters...



and police officers!

Going back to the beginning of our unit, we first learned about emergencies and 9-1-1.  Practicing with many kinds of phones, we got used to finding the right numbers and explaining who we are and what our emergency was.

 Then, we met an emergency worker and our first guest of the week, Firefighter Jeremy.

Firefighter Jeremy is incredibly gifted in teaching the class about fire safety and highlights of his job and, even though his daughters no longer attend Sacred Heart, I continue asking him to come back to Sacred Heart.  After his visit, well over half the kids in the class have decided they would like to be firefighters when they grow up.

A major component of our curriculum this week was writing thank-you notes.  Starting with Firefighter Jeremy, every child made sure to express our gratitude for the special visit by dictating their letter and drawing a picture.  
This week, we played with community helper cutouts...

and created our town Sacred Heart...

with special A-G parking spots.

We played community helper BINGO...

and got really excited when we won.

On Tuesday, it was time for our second guest, Solar Andy.  He showed photos of his solar panel installation projects, read a book about solar energy, and, most importantly, showed off his Solar City helmet.
This was no ordinary classroom guest, however...  

Solar Andy is actually my baby brother.

This week, we thought very hard about what we want to be when we grow up and painted pictures of it...

and we created one of my favorite door displays to-date.

On Wednesday, we met Commander Kirby, a Naval helicopter pilot.  He taught us about aircraft carriers, jets, helicopters, and (quickly becoming our favorite aspect of some jobs) helmets.  We adored Commander Kirby!
Our next visit wasn't just one community member, it was a lot of community members!  Meet some of Ocean Beach's most talented educators, the teachers from Pioneer Day School.  Pioneer, just a couple of blocks away from Sacred Heart, serves children with special needs and I have worked to create a close relationship with them.  Last year, they visited Sacred Heart once a week for yoga, music and movement.  Now, beginning this week, I'm thrilled we'll be able to pick it back up as they visit again each Wednesday.

These incredibly beautiful moments between our two schools offer everyone a chance to build friendships, increase awareness and tolerance, and an opportunity to play together.

It truly is a highlight of everyone's week.

Back in class this week, we learned about the letter Gg.

We built green Gg's...

played with Gg on our interactive whiteboard...

wrote Gg's in green...

wrote Gg's in pencil...

and had a Gg show-n-tell.

Next on our visitor's list was a husband and wife team, Aaron and Lylah.  Aaron, in his last years of law school, is about to become a practicing attorney.  Since teaching a classroom of twenty-four 4 and 5-year-olds about our U.S. Constitution is likely more difficult than the California Bar Exam, I figure he's ready to serve.

He's mighty, he's motivated, he's mastered teaching a class of preschoolers about the laws we obey...
He's De Facto Attorney Aaron!

Then, we got to meet Flight Attendant Lylah who demonstrated that she's the friendliest face in the sky.  She taught us all about her job taking care of those who fly and keeping her passengers safe.  She ended her presentation by donating a toy airplane to the classroom and by handing everyone their own airport security badge and model airplane.  We loved Flight Attendant Lylah!

Next on our calendar was Federal Defense Attorney Amber.  She was also able to give a fantastic, age-appropriate description of the laws we obey and who's who in the legal system.  But, even more than that, she was able to talk to the children about taking responsibility for the choices we may make, telling the truth, and understanding that most people are innately good, even if their choices were not.  This was a touching visit from Federal Defense Attorney Amber and we enjoyed it so very much.

We ended our last community visit really big!  Meet Mechanic Jason, who brought in carburetors, tools, power equipment, and oh yeah, a K12 fire-rescue saw that can cut a vehicle open (he brought it sans the chain).  Needless to say, the fact that Mechanic Jason didn't bring a helmet was quickly forgiven.

To Firefighter Jeremy, Solar Andy, Commander Kirby, De Facto Attorney Aaron, Flight Attendant Lylah, Federal Defense Attorney Amber and Mechanic Jason, we thank you!!!  From the bottom of our hearts, we will never forget community helpers week because of you all!

On Monday, we had our long awaited fieldtrip! To prepare, we got all of our thank-you letters ready to mail.

And we were off!

Our first stop was our favorite coffee house, The Lazy Hummingbird, where we met owner Danielle...

and had ourselves some hot chocolate.

Then, we got to say hello to some construction workers...

...and stopped to mail our thank-you notes at the post office.
Next, we visited the library for a story and song.

Afterwards, we stopped at Pioneer Day School and got to say hello to the same teachers and students that visited us on Wednesday!

In the kindergarten class next door to Pioneer, we unexpectedly got to see some familiar faces from last year's kinderprep class as we met Ms. Stewart, one of my favorite teachers ever.

Then, we started walking to People's Co-Op.  But, we got to say hi to our favorite city workers first!

At the store, we met Ms. Jamie, who gave us an extensive tour and fed us a lot!  We had so much fun at People's Co-Op!

We ended our walking field trip at the park, where we ate lunch.

It was a good, good day and a good, good week!!!