Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26th, 2018

This week, we learned all about habits that keep us healthy.

We filled our library with all sorts of healthy books...

and immediately got crackin'...

taking notes along the way.

For a fun science experiment, each group was given two petri dishes.  We touched one petri dish before we washed our hands...

Next, we washed.

Then, we touched the second petri dish with our clean hands.

(Not everyone enjoyed touching the nutrient agar).

Finally, we made our predictions.

While we waited for our test results, we washed our baby dolls...

played doctor...

looked at bones using x-ray film...

built bones out of clay...

played a germy math game...

fished out foods...

and made a rainbow graph.

And we washed!

We celebrated the letter "Nn"...

We practiced with the __AT word family...

And we washed.

In between all of our learning, we made sure to examine our petri dishes everyday to see if any germs were growing.

In addition to washing our hands and eating a rainbow, we learned why exercise and movement help keep us healthy.  Then, we got moving!

With Pioneer's help, too!

We also learned about the importance of resting our bodies.

And we washed!!!

By Friday, we were ready to see what kind of bacterial colonies we grew throughout the week! 

And we were ready to draw some conclusions.

Armed with all of our knowledge from this week, we visited the 2-year-old class and taught them about ways we can stay healthy.

We talked about getting good sleep...

about eating healthy foods...

about exercising...

and we definitely covered washing our hands.

Then, we gave the Explorers a washing lesson.

It was a good week and, hopefully, the end of the 2018 Plague of Sacred Heart!