The last two weeks, we've celebrated friendship, kindness, respect, and responsibility.
To kick off our new unit, we worked on our door display...
We made paintings about our friends...
and we created Our Tree of Kindness where each leaf symbolizes an authentic, candid act of kindness.
We filled up our library...
and we created opportunities to practice using our kind words.
We became mindful as we helped one another...
we played with one another...
we worked with one another...
we cooked meals for our Stand Up For Kids homeless shelter with one another...
we high-five'd our friends from Pioneer Day School with one another...
and we loved one another.
and finding ways to soothe our upset feelings...
so that we can get back to loving one another.
We learned about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his teachings of kindness.
We also learned that Martin Luther King, Jr. begins with the letter M.
Coming back from the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, we were introduced to responsibility.
Meet our 4 new class pets; Pipsqueak, Tia, Tallulah, and Penny.
We have to feed them and make sure they always have water...
we have to clean the outside of their cage (cleaning the inside of the cage is solely a grown-up responsibility)...
we have to be gentle with the mice...
we have to be respectful of them...
and we have to wash our hands!
Once we leaned all of this with some hands-on experiences, we were ready to create our classroom book. This will help us to teach others about the responsibilities of pet mice. Using a combination of pictures, dictated words, and our own phonetically spelled writing, we completed our manifesto.
Then, we were ready to teach to our Pioneer friends who were considering class pets, too.
Further helping to instill our sense of personal responsibility (and our sense of unity), we developed our rotating chore chart. For the remainder of the school year, we will switch jobs daily and have something we're each responsible for every day.
I'd say it's been a good two weeks!