Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 1st, 2017

Happy Halloween and Feliz Día de los Muertos!

These last two weeks, we've been Halloweening it up!

Starting with spiders, we had a big lesson on spider anatomy and, experimenting with sticky contact paper and oil, we answered the question "Why don't spiders get caught in their own webs?"

We practiced 1-8 with spider legs...

we played with tray-fulls of spiders...

and we made spider handprints...

to design our classroom website.

Since we needed black, painty hands, we also used this activity to begin our letter Ee studies.
The lower case "e" is actually extraordinarily difficult for students to write (second only to the lower-case "k").  So, we practiced a lot.  
We wrote in sand...

we used our interactive whiteboard...

we found letter Ee's in our names...

we wrote with chalk...

and we earned extra credit by filling up the whiteboard with e's.

Finally, we were Ee masters.

After spiders, we spent some time with silly monsters.  Reading the book, Go Away Big, Green Monster, we built our own big, green monsters.

We fed monsters 1-10 rolled up clay balls...

we played a dice game and wrote down our numbers...

and we played with squishy monsters.

In between all this extreme Halloween learning, we also had an opportunity to test out the jumpy when it was delivered the morning of the carnival.

Finally, it was time to learn about Día de los Muertos.  Keeping it preschool appropriate, we learned about celebrating our ancestors.  Ms. Laura read several books (in English and in Spanish)...

and showed many pictures.

Then, we got to making tissue paper marigold flowers...

and making colorful pictures. 

We helped hang everything up...

we carefully laid our food and sugar skulls...

and then it was done.  The best Día de los Muertos altar ever!

Then, it was Halloween!  We dressed up, we partied...

We made mole in costume.
¡Baté baté chocolate!

Happy Halloween!!!!

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