Friday, January 12, 2018

Our School Family

For 2018, we're focusing on Our School Family.

We have a few additions, though.  Meet Sacred and Heart, our new Bearded Dragon family members.

We also love our extended family, our wonderful friends from Pioneer Day School.

When you're in with the family, you also have some responsibilities.

 This month, we've become aquainted with our job chart that allows all 24 of us to have a new duty each day.

We say The Pledge of Allegiance with the help of our Flag Leader...

practice the calendar with our Calendar Helper...

take attendance with our Attendance Helper...

know where we are in our day with the aid of our Schedule Helper...

understand when it's time to stop an activity with the help of our Bell Ringer...

walk in line under the gentle guidance of our Line Leaders...

rehydrate with the assistance of our Water Cart Helper...

conserve energy with our Lights Operator...

eat snack with the help of our Snack Helper...

clean the kitchen with our Kitchen helper...

arrange the science center with our Science Helper...

organize the blocks with our Block Helper...

tidy up the art center with our Art Helper...

sweep the floor with our Sweeper...

wipe down the tables with our Table Top Helper...

stack chairs with our Chair Stacker...

help clean up after lunch with our Lunch Cleaner Up-er

lay down nap mats with our Nap Mat Helper...

pass out naptime lovies with our Lovie Helper...

collect books with our Book Collector...

warm up with our Blanket Helper

and, finally, the most coveted job of them all: Dragon Duty.

The family who builds igloos together...

stays together.

We are a school family.  Even as we throw snowballs at Ms. Sarah.

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