Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15th, 2016

We had a fun time in class this week!
L is for Lacing!
Early on Monday, we dove into our new unit on the Arctic, along with the Inuit people who inhabit it.

We watched an interesting clip on how igloos are made...

...and then used sugar cubes to begin constructing our own.

Each group took the task very seriously.

Admittedly, this is a stock photo from last year.  Our igloo this year looked very similar... until it collapsed about 30 minutes later.

We moved on to learning about aurora borealis.  We noted the colors as we viewed brilliant photos and time-lapse videos, but I stopped short of explaining the earths geomagnetic field lines to my preschoolers.
Finally, we also played with some Arctic animals.

Learning about various shades of brown this week, we had a chance to fingerpaint in the different shades we created...

...and trace L's in the paint.

We also used our messy hands to create a handprint wreath.

Which led us to beginning our Martin Luther King, Jr. unit.

It can be difficult to teach about Martin Luther King, Jr. and still keep the lessons preschool appropriate.  In my class,  we focus on his peaceful attempts to make the world a better place.  When creating our take-home book this week, I used the words from our song with which they are already familiar.

In language arts, we continued our word family segment and had fun with the __ET word family.

We also found time for our Ll's this week.  We laced our capital L's...

made our lower-case lambs...
l is for lamb

played with lattes...

and legos.

Then, we ended our week with an L show-n-tell.

It was a busy week, but we had fun working together.

Because that's what we do best.

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